Foodhall Community Agreement (draft).

Foodhall is a community centre that brings people together to tackle social isolation, social inequality, food insecurity and food waste. 

To help us make sure that Foodhall is a safe, happy and fun place for everyone we hold all of our staff and volunteers to this community agreement. Please only volunteer or work for us if you are in agreement with the following:

Foodhall is a community space for everyone to share. We want Foodhall to give everyone:

Things to do,

A place to do them,

People to do them with.

To make this happen, we believe in the principles of:

  • Equality (everyone has the same treatment, opportunity, and responsibility)

  • Mutual aid (I help you with the knowledge that somebody else will help me)

  • The commons (everyone has equal access to resources shared by the community). 

Our values as a project:

values - website.jpg

How we treat each other: 

At Foodhall we treat each other with kindness, love and respect. We are anti-racist and a space free of prejudice, assumption, disrespect and violence. 

To achieve this, Foodhall is a place free of drugs and alcohol in accordance with our Drugs and Alcohol Policy. We also hold all visitors to Foodhall, and all members of our community, to a Safer Spaces Agreement